1. We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is the authority for the faith and life of the believer.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
2. We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
3. We believe in the personality and divinity of the Holy Spirit. We believe he gives power and comfort to believers through the Fruit of the Spirit and spiritual gifts.
4. We believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, that he was born of the virgin Mary, that he became man and lived a life without sin.
5. We believe in the authenticity of his teaching and of his miracles, that he took upon himself all our sins, that he died and rose bodily and that he is seated at the right hand of the Father as our mediator and our lawyer.
6. We believe in the return in person of the Lord Jesus Christ to establish His Glorious Kingdom with all of His redeemed.
7. We believe that man was originally created without sin. Tempted by Satan, he fell and thereby placed the entire human race under the condemnation of eternal separation from God.
8. We believe that man is saved by faith in the sufficient work of Christ on the cross. This faith is always accompanied by true repentance. Justification comes from grace alone.
9. We believe that the Church is the body of Jesus Christ, made up of all true believers who are faithful to the Holy Scriptures, beyond denominations, languages ​​or cultures.
10. We believe that our commitment leads us to dedicate ourselves to the service of the Lord and to submit to His authority by having a way of life that honors Him.
11. We believe that our responsibility towards our neighbor is to remain sensitive to all of his needs; material, spiritual, etc.
12. We believe in the legitimacy of using all modern means of communication to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world.